From Broken Leg to Enlightened Soul: Unveiling the Unexpected Gift of my Spiritual Awakening

What is a spiritual awakening?

This term is a hot topic, and it got me to ponder my spiritual journey. 

Am I awake? 

Did I awaken all of a sudden, like a bear coming out of hibernation? Was I hungry and ready to explore the world to feed my hunger for spirituality?

Or did I awaken slowly like a child on a school day? Awakening bit by bit nestling under the covers until I was ready to emerge, but only after endless calls from Mom.

In truth, it was more like a sketch from Laurel and Hardy, right down to a slapstick ice fall!

I remember how I was feeling at a particular time in my life, which leads me to believe I was having some kind of an awakening. Feelings are always a good indicator that can help you know when you desire something more in life!

What stands out in my mind over 20+ years later, was the feeling of restlessness. I started to feel like I wanted a change but I wasn’t sure what or how. I couldn’t put my finger on it but was driven to seek something more than I currently had.

My life in general wasn’t going through anything traumatic but I just felt restless. 

At first, I thought maybe taking a class or learning a new skill would help me feel fulfilled. I would find myself checking out the brochures for classes being offered but nothing jumped out and caught my eye to say pick me. 

My family dynamics were going through a shift. My children were preparing to leave the nest with one kid in college and the other in the last years of high school. I knew my role would shift and that kinda scared me. I wondered how my husband and I would reconnect when it was just the two of us living in the home. 

I felt out of sorts and shaken up that the norm I had built my life around was suddenly being questioned. I had embraced the caregiver role so now all of a sudden I was feeling burned out. 

At the time I didn’t understand that I had created this situation. 

All I could say was “you are all putting your straws in my soul and sipping me dry.”  Of course, it didn’t matter that I had handed out the straws personally and had made sure each person knew which area of my soul they could sip from. 

Now it was coming back to bite me in the butt as the saying goes. And it hurt! 

So my new mantra was I need a break. I would cry out that mantra all day every day; muttering under my breath that I needed a break to “change things around here”. 

And by gosh the universe was leaning in and listening with both ears. The way I was carrying on the Universe had to believe I was super serious about the break and a change. 

The universe must have wondered why I wasn’t clear on the how or when except I needed the break to be soon and so….

It answered my cries for help which was a slip on some ice resulting in a broken leg! And the delivery date was a few days before Christmas! 

The Universes message was “See how you asked and I delivered, aren’t you pleased now you can make changes.”

I didn’t see the gift at first.

I had caregiving on steroids. Christmas was my time to go overboard making sure every other person's needs were met until I was drained of every bit of energy I owned. Can you relate to this behaviour?

During the recuperation time, I had what would be explained as a Spiritual Awakening. 

I had been dipping my toe into the waters of spiritual practices but this accident pushed me with both feet in, even if they were balanced on crutches. 🩼😢

This happened before the days of extensive Google searches, Facebook scrolling or TikTok videos. My search for spiritual information was limited to recommended books, courses and interesting conversations with wise people who had been on a soul-searching journey for a long time. 

Bit by bit I gathered my information. 

I did have a few things on my list, as I am sure you have a similar list.

  • What was my role as a person, not defined as a mother, wife, daughter, sister, or friend?

  • What kind of experience was my soul seeking through this human journey?

  • What was the ‘life purpose’ that made me feel full, complete and satisfied?

  • What were my beliefs? (I struggled with that one for many years.) I would be in a class or hear a speaker talking about a spiritual topic and I would ask myself - do I agree with this? Does this feel right to me? Can I accept all of this topic or just part of it and which one? 

This was my soul whispering and I was awakening to recognize its voice.

When you look at your belief system through a new set of eyes, it can seem frightening at first glance because it is a step into something foreign to you. What was tried and true may appear to have cracks in it as you travel deeper into consciousness. 

At the beginning of your journey to spiritual awakening, you might experience feelings of anxiety or even depression. This is common because the safety and comfort zone of the world you've always surrounded yourself with is being brought into question. 

It’s normal to feel deeply uncomfortable when your world is challenged. While it can be scary to look at things differently, just remember that change can signify a period of growth that will expand your world and give you a beautiful new perspective. 

Craving a spiritual awakening can drive you to make some changes in your life once you realize what you're doing and how you are living looks differently through new eyes. 

Welcome the changes and the newness. It can lead you to a life that's brighter and more abundant than you ever imagined. Explore your feelings and allow them to guide you toward purpose and changes that can bring about a spiritual awakening.

Let me share some wisdom with you really quickly.

You know that saying "be careful what you wish for?" Yeah, it's not just a silly phrase - it's the real deal!

Your words have power, so make sure you're super clear about what you're asking for because the universe is always listening.

Believe me, I learned this the hard way! But don't worry, your spiritual awakening doesn't have to be a sudden “break” like mine was. It can be a gentle nudge in the right direction to create positive change in your life.

I now understand the gift of a broken leg. It gave the pause in my life to reflect, reevaluate and pivot to make the changes that answered the whispers of my soul. 

What does your spiritual awakening look like?


Hello, I am Barbara a spirit guided life-alignment coach,

I'm here to help you navigate your journey towards self-discovery and purpose. Don't be afraid to take that first step towards a brighter future. Drop me a message and let's chat about how we can work together to create positive change in your life. 

Until then, keep shining and trust in the journey.


Beyond the Surface: Your Guide to Understanding the True Meaning of Spirituality.